Husky Jerk
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  This is an eleven pound brown trout. One of many caught this day. We were on our yearly spring trip to Point Breeze. Trolling stickbaits and small spoons off planner boards in 4 to 12 feet of water. The usual colors perch, firetiger, black and silver. Also used the new vanish flurocarbon line. Man it sure makes a diffrence in that gin clear water. It was a beautiful day as you can see. Two of the fish had lampray eels they were small ones, but thats still not a good sign for the future fish population!!

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This is an eleven pound brown trout. One of many caught this day. We were on our yearly spring trip to Point Breeze. Trolling stickbaits and small spoons off planner boards in 4 to 12 feet of water. The usual colors perch, firetiger,black and silver
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