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Montauk long Island bass pic
Montauk Sport Fishing
  Wow a pair of striped bass one was 16 pounds the other was 18 pounds it doesnt get much better than this. The size limit on bass is 28 inch minimum and you are allowed 2 fish per person on a charter boat or one fish a day from shore or private boat. This is a great rebound for these fish who due to over fishing and polluted spawning grounds almost went down for the count. Lets hope we dont see that happen again. If you would like more info on fishing in Montauk check this site out Montauk Sport Fishing. Also there are party boats that sail every day as well as morning and afternoon trips available

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Wow a pair of striped bass one was 16 pounds the other was 18 pounds it doesnt get much better than this. The size limit on bass is 28 inch minimum and you are allowed 2 fish per person on a charter boat or one fish a day from shore or private boat. This is a great rebound for these fish who due to over fishing and polluted spawning grounds almost went down for the count
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