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  This was my June 2000 trip to Montauk to fish for striped bass and blue fish. The fishing was great like always but it rained both days, still it was a great trip. Striped bass were the target species but nice blue fish like these are welcome any time. A group of six of us go down every year we stay overnight for 2 days and fish 2 half days on a charter boat in the mornings then do some surf fishing at dark it is awesome. The cost of an excursion of this nature was about $350.00 a man this included the motel room ,charter boat, food, gas,and car rental not bad for a lifetime full of memories.

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June 2000 trip to Montauk to fish for striped bass and blue fish. The fishing was great like always but it rained both days, still it was a great trip. Striped bass were the target species but nice blue fish like these are welcome any time
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